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Friday 16 September 2022

The Dos and Don'ts of Starting a Business in Kenya

How do you start a business in Kenya? It’s actually pretty simple – all you need to do is decide what type of business you want to start, find out how much it will cost to start that business, and then get started! This article will focus on the dos and don’ts of starting your own business in Kenya, so that you can find success more quickly than other would-be entrepreneurs.

Understanding your customers You want to know who your customers are. In order to start a business with no money, you need to understand their needs. Some questions you can ask yourself include: What do they think is the best thing about my product? What would they pay more for? When they need this type of service or product, where do they go? To get more information on your customers' needs, visit them, call them up on the phone, meet with them in person.

Finding the right people It's always helpful to have someone who knows the ropes, so find a good mentor who can guide you on the dos and don'ts of starting your business. Plus, they'll be able to share with you what worked for them so that you can do things right from the start. In order to start your business, start networking with people! Having good relationships are key to any successful venture.

Defining your goals It's important to define what you want to achieve when starting a business so that you can measure your success. Setting up realistic goals will help you avoid being disappointed later on.

How much will it cost? A lot of people seem to think it costs money to start your own business. This is not true - as long as you're willing to work hard, be creative and live frugally, you can start your own company with no money. You'll need to learn how to produce goods or services from scratch or re-invent what's already out there, but you can make the most by doing so.

What is your timeline? Kenya is still under development. If you are considering starting a business in Kenya, it's important to keep in mind that the country has very few small to medium sized enterprises. As such, it can be difficult for an individual entrepreneur with no money to make a dent on the market, given that there are few consumers with disposable income.

What do you need help with? I'm starting a business, but I don't have any money to invest. What should I do? How can I start my own business without any money? It's easier than you think! Here are some ways that people who have started businesses from scratch: -Find free information online about how to start your own business. -Create your own website for your new company. -Start offering consulting services for the products or services you offer.

Where are you going to get funding from? Many people start their business with no money, but this is not the best decision. We recommend getting your startup fund from friends or family. Of course, they might have reservations about lending you their hard-earned cash, so you need to show them that you are motivated and organized enough to make this work.

Is it worth it? Starting a business in Kenya is worth it if you know what you're getting into. If you have no money to start with, starting from scratch can be challenging but not impossible. You just need to take a realistic look at your finances, set your goals high, and create an action plan for moving forward.

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