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Friday 16 September 2022

How to Lose Weight Fast: 10 Tips for Quick Results

How to lose weight fast? The thought of losing weight can be daunting, and it often seems like the faster you want to lose weight, the more difficult it is to achieve your goal. But losing weight doesn’t have to be difficult, and with some tweaks to your existing diet and exercise plan, you can see results in as little as two weeks. Try these 10 tips for quick results in how to lose weight fast.

1) Set Realistic Expectations We all want to lose weight quickly but realistically that doesn't always happen. Depending on how much weight you need to lose, it could take from weeks or months until you're able to see any results. Setting realistic expectations can also help you stay motivated and continue your quest for weight loss success. One study found that people who set achievable goals were twice as likely to maintain their weight loss at the two-year mark than those who chose unrealistic goals.

2) Keep A Food Journal One of the most important steps in losing weight is keeping a food journal. This can help you keep track of how many calories you are eating and how much exercise you are getting each day. Writing down what you eat can also teach you about which foods might be causing your cravings, which in turn will help you pick healthier alternatives. To lose weight, try writing down everything that goes into your mouth and make it a goal to only eat 500 more calories than what your body needs every day.

3) Set Smart Goals How to Lose Weight Naturally and Safely Eating natural, healthy foods that taste good are one way. Other ways include not eating after 6 p.m., replacing some meals with a shake, taking long walks and incorporating other cardio activities like biking or swimming into your routine at least two times a week. Spend at least ten minutes three times a day exercising by doing simple exercises like pushups or squats.

4) Use Smaller Plates One of the best ways to lose weight fast is by eating less food. However, it's not always realistic that we can eat smaller portions all the time. If you're using large plates, try switching them out with a smaller plate and see how much more food you need per meal.

5) Drink More Water and Cut Down on Alcohol If you want to know how to lose weight faster, there are a few things you can do in the short term. First, drink more water. A rule of thumb is two liters per day, but up your intake if you have an especially high activity level. You'll find that not only will you be less hungry, but it also speeds up the time it takes your body to process sugar and calories.

6) Write Down Your Progress 10. Try not to drink your calories. Replace sugary drinks with water, sparkling water, coffee or tea. Sugary drinks pack a lot of calories and can contribute more than you expect to your daily calorie intake. 9. Exercise regularly and incorporate weights into your routine if possible. The act of adding muscle will increase the amount of calories burned at rest, so exercising will burn more calories long-term even when you're not working out on any given day 8.

7) Get Active Everyday One of the best ways to lose weight fast is through an active lifestyle. This can include outdoor workouts, biking, and any other physical activity that lasts at least 10 minutes. For added effect, try incorporating interval training or strength training into your routine. A diet change is also important when trying to lose weight quickly, since often times we overestimate our calorie intake and underestimate how many calories we burn in a day. One good diet plan for those trying to lose weight faster is the DASH Diet.

8) Sleep Better Losing weight and sleep are intricately linked. Your sleeping habits can help or hinder your weight loss goals. Follow these sleep tips from the National Sleep Foundation: Avoid overeating before bedtime, keep your bedroom cool, reduce caffeine intake, exercise in the morning or evening instead of at night, go to bed at a regular time every night, listen to soothing music before going to bed.

9) Stop Stress Eating The fastest way to lose weight is to stop stress eating. Stress releases certain hormones that tell your body it needs food. If you don't feed it, the hunger will eventually subside.

10) Reward Yourself For Accomplishments It is important to reward yourself when you are on your weight loss journey. Knowing how and when you want to reward yourself will help keep the motivation levels high. For example, after a week of hard work and dieting, celebrate with an evening out with friends or a weekend away. If you are making more conscious food choices, maybe it is time for a new item of clothing that flatters your new body shape. The rewards don't have to be expensive - just go shopping for what would make you happy!

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